Thursday, 14 July 2011

"Art is an act of the soul, not the intellect.
When we are dealing with people's dreams - their visions, really - we are in the realm of the scared.
We are involved with forces and energies larger than our won.
We are engaged in a sacred transaction of which we know only a little:
the shadow, not the shape.

For these reasons, it is mandatory that any gathering of artist be in the spirit of a sacred trust.
We invoke the Great Creator when we invoke our own creativity, and that creative force has the power to alter lives, fulfull destinies, answer our dreams. "

The Artist Way
Julia Cameron

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

show 'n tell spreads it's wings

wanted to tell you that we liked Matjiesfontein so much that we took the idea back to England! We hired a country pile in Devon (which even had a little hall, which used to be the village hall) and invited 31 friends for the weekend, asking everyone to make a contribution. We're quite a debaucherous lot, so not all the activities happened, but most of them did.

We had a Mad Hatter's tea party, a game of rounders where you had to run with a silly hat while balancing a tea cup and saucer, hula hooping, wine tasting, a pub quiz in the village hall, life drawing (was supposed to be a naked life drawing of our exhibitionistic friend, but it ended up being done informally around the braai), a country ramble, a memory wall, then an Oscars Award Ceremony where we all had to dress as Hollywood characters. Awards were given for people based on films - for example, Andy was 'The Big Baranowski', I was 'Dude, Where's My Drugs?" , my friend was 'Dude, Where's My Bag?" as she loses things, our friend who loves to eat was nominated for several James Bond awards - 'The Pie Who Loved Me', Casino Royale with Extra Cheese', 'Goldenfingerlickin' Good' - you get the picture.

It was a fabulous weekend (I'm still buzzing!) and everyone kept telling me what a brilliant idea it was… and I did give you guys credit and say I'd got the idea from an event in South Africa!

We're going to make it an annual event - come next year!!!!

And thanks again!

Oh and before I forget, Andy and his friend Rick did an intervention during the Oscars afterparty - they came into the hall dressed in Mexican wrestler outfits and did some staged wrestling. Photos may surface later - I didn't take any.

- claire

Friday, 18 February 2011

"To drop your stuff and take hold of a story.  To do something outside of yourself.  To dance a lot and co-create. To hang about in history. To be part of something else.  It is a new possibility and in a way has only just begun. " lyall sprong
"It is indeed very sad to say goodbye to such an upwelling of creativity but as you imply it will pop out somewhere else (like larva). I’m sure.

Andrea Weiss

Friday, 04 February 2011

Farewell Show ‘n Tell

A long time ago now, next to the N1 highway that cuts through the country, two friends enjoyed some tea and scones in a tiny Victorian coffee house with creaky wooden floors.

The framework of time melted into another world and another era. In the flicker of shadow and light the empty town was full of playful characters. Someone was juggling balls on the veranda, a song was being sung in the smoking room, a make-shift theatre production was on at the train station. A poetry performance by the fountain; the antique statues were dancing. The air was alive with laughter, with the sound of play. There was an energy that could not be ignored. It was all there and the dots just had to be connected.

I now understand how, living in his tiny town of Matjiesfontein, the magical David Rawdon spun a theatre of dreams around the town he bought and lovingly restored over 40 years.  His huge imagination, his powerful dream machine, lit up a creative bubble of bright energy that hung over the town like a celestial dome. The mischievous, playful David Rawdon hosted picnics in the Karoo veld wearing a top hat and tails. He told stories with a glint in his eyes and made his guests feel like they were his friends, everyone laughing with delight.

In 2006 a troup of like-minded souls arrived and booked out his town for a weekend and Show ‘n Tell was born. I found myself dancing in the Lairds Arm bar; smiling faces and the mirror ball’s lights circling around and around.  I realised that I was inside the vision we’d had over a cup of tea on that sunny afternoon, that the dream had become reality. Show ‘n Tell brought many people together, from those behind the scenes who orchestrated the event with love, to all the Matjies who came to a one-street town to give life to Show ‘n Tell. Suddenly we had a safe space to play, to share, to let our creative inner children out.  It opened our hearts and changed so many lives. I know that it changed mine.

We relearned the simplest, most important things.

How to play again, without the pressure of having to earn anything in return, without having to involve our egos, without having to impress anyone.

How to share, whether it was sharing a joke or sharing our magic selves with each other.

The intimacy of creatively contributing and not being judged, because we all did it – we all showed and told.

The joy of creating with no expectations, of having no expectations about what might happen, about what we might feel. Every year was magic and every year Show ‘n Tell was different.

Show ‘n Tell had no shape – it was made up by the unique collection of those who came to the village to experience it. It was made up by all those beings of the village; seen and unseen - from the ghosts of Boer war soldiers and Victorian dandies, to the town children with new dreams, the women who turned our beds and those who make the Lord Milner Hotel run daily.

Now Show ‘n Tell is shape-shifting and it’s time to move on, away from routine and formula.  The fire has burned bigger and brighter and the sparks have lit up our hearts, calling for new fires to be started. Let’s create new platforms for play and sharing. We will not experience it in the way we did before, but Matjies Magic* does not end here... Let us keep our hearts open and ready – it’s happening all around us already and it belongs to all of us.

“All my hotels have been important, exciting and different, but Matjiesfontein is special and closest to my heart.  I hope it will go on forever.” David Rawdon 1925 -2010

"Most people believe that you have to have your eyes closed to dream, that you have to distance yourself from reality. But the opposite is true. The best dreams are the ones you have with your eyes open. You call them dreams but they’re really ideas, projects and visions. They have the same consistency as life." (fabrica)

photo's: james seigel

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Fair Well

It was more than 4 years ago that I received an email from my friend Greg Lomas, telling about some arty weekend and suggesting we collaborate on a photography project for this thing - Show 'n Tell in Matjiesfontein. We came up with the idea of a Photo Studio and I bought a remote control for his Canon 450D. I loved the fact that I knew nothing about the event, I loved that we went up on the train, and the weekend really did open a window to a new chapter in my life.

For the next 3 years, a group of us volunteered to organise this magical event, to keep it running and allow it to grow. What a gift to work in such a way with people: creative ideas, no ego, no boss, no money, no fighting... only laughs and love and hard work. Over numerous dinners during our busy weeks we planned how we would guide that year's Matjies participants into creating a truly magical and different experience for themselves.

It is not only my own personal observation that so many beautiful friendships have been sparked and solidified at Show 'n Tell. Or that it's the one time you get to see a person do something they are secretly really good at, or really scared of...and that it inspires us to such an extent.

Matjiesfontein Show 'n Tell is not ending, it is becoming something else. With no name or a different name, it will happen when you are sleeping, when you see the person that you wandered off into the Karoo night in search of the field of lights with, when you giggle remembering Inappropriate Dave's fireworks display, when you realise that actually, the big idea is just to dream something up and then do it. And we can do that every single day!

Thank you thank you thank you to Inge, Jeremy, Raffa, Simon, Marc, Caitlin, Taryn, Luke, Danna and all our helpers and enthusiasts. I love you guys in a big way.

Friday, 21 January 2011

matjies magic*
you will always be in my heart
thank you for the incredible journey