Tuesday, 19 August 2008

two mystery figures " plan to blaze into town in a pall of smoke
and stench of burning rubber; we'll cruise down the high street, side by
side on our bright red postman's motorbikes and cross a finish line
accompanied by the screams of cheerleaders and hurrahs of the crowd.

Well that's the plan... The bikes are small and quaint (there'll be no
burning rubber and hopefully no smoke) a big part of the project will be our
outfits, and I'll create some kind of badges - think daredevil stuntdriver.
I thought having a ring of fire( real fire maybe too much? so I could make
one out of board and paint perhaps) at the end could be fun. Or we might
ramp over a row of matchbox cars. We will rope some volunteers/friends in to
help as cheerleaders. Some kind of anthemic music to accompany us in would
be nice.

Our original idea was to ride from cape town to maatjies on our bikes - and
that would be the adventure...however the bikes are very low cc and are
actually not allowed on highways nor can they travel much over 40km/h, so we
thought to transport them most of the way there and then ride on into town.
As a secondary project we plan to make a film documenting this

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