Friday, 19 September 2008

The Tee Party Project

Dan Pinch writes...

"Before Facebook status updates were even a twinkle in the Internet's eye you wore your mood on your chest in Tee shirt form. From oh so ironic Heavy Metal t-shirts to cutesy wutsie puppies to your message that "no one knows your a lesbian" a t shirt is like a personality billboard you wear on your chest.

In honour of the T shirts contribution to fashion the South African Street Style blog is launching the tee party project with an aim to capture the most outlandish, boldest and stylish T-shirts in South Africa (and perhaps even the world). It will launch at the Matjiesfontein Show and Tell and what i'm asking for is that everyone brings their favorite most loved t-shirt along, wears it on Saturday afternoon and tells me the story behind it. I'll then make them famous on and anyone else I can pester with it. I'll be wearing my much loved blue "Catch Your Dream" T-shirt with a winged horse on it, come and find me."

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