Wednesday, 17 September 2008

miraculous, futuristic poetry.. or something

"I shall display a MIRACULOUS MYCHANICAL MIND! A MACHINE that THINKS! This creation, an evidence of modern ENLIGHTENMENT and PROGRESS, is able to REASON as a MAN DOES, and spew forth from it's gear-filled guts POETRY and PROSE, so BOGGLING to the senses that is appeareth UNLISTENABLE. I shall carry this DEVICE with me, and read from it's ramblings to those FEARLESS enough to confront the FUTURE! [sic]

(Postscript. I am currently confounded by an gear that refuses to mesh. The mind's appearance is dependent upon technical considerations. Sanity will not be refunded.)"

If you bump into Bryn, ask him what he's on about.

"My backup plan, in case of technical difficulties, is to wander around in something ridiculous reading Edward Lear _DRAMATICALLY_."

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