Sunday, 03 May 2009

hot off the press

journalists extraordinaire, kristin and adam are going to be producing a newspaper over the course of the weekend which we'll get to read on Sunday! just what we need to go with the lord milner's deep-fried fry-up breakfast.

"I’ll have to stick with the only skill I have (sigh): I will produce a Matjies Fontein/Mike’s Fountain Show N Tell newspaper, with Adam as my deputy. Breaking news, features, vox pops, sports section, a police report on a murder mystery, and and and. Publishing date: Sunday.

But we're still looking for a graphic designer keen to design a masthead for the paper." - kristin


Julia Merrett said...

A M A Z I N G ! ! ! : )

Marc said...


Unknown said...

marc? bru, are you being obtuse or are you offering to do the design?

Inge said...

love the idea love the idea.. ja lets find a designer for them, marc marc? or who else can we target..

Marc said...

i'll do it...