this is what i want. i cant wait. and what i really want is a recording of toast reading "slaaptydstories" (by the way you can sell them for millions). i rem. them from being little and listening to them on the radio. bring it back!
“Show ’n’ tell” is a platform for your creative explorations. The aim is for everyone to contribute in the old fashioned way: perform, play and present in Matjiesfontein
2010 said good bye "Show 'n Tell" as it was.. and hello to new spaces to play
I tried to speak but there was something stuck in my throat. When I finally got it out, I laid it in front of me and it spelled 'LOVE'
How do I book a room again?
matjies just isn't the same without you. yay! i'll mail you the magic* password.
LOVE AND YAY X 1 000 000 plus a couple.
this is what i want. i cant wait. and what i really want is a recording of toast reading "slaaptydstories" (by the way you can sell them for millions). i rem. them from being little and listening to them on the radio. bring it back!
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